Instructions for finding, capturing, and sharing affiliate links.

If you need help, please contact me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to assist you!

From the Affiliate Resource Library, go to the menu bar and select Portal as shown below:



Log in to the Affiliate Portal using the email and password you chose when you signed up as an affiliate.

Forgot your password? No sweat! Click here: 

Once you log in to the Affiliate Portal, you will see the Affiliate Dashboard.

The Affiliate Dashboard is where you will find your reports, settings, stats, and affiliate links.

Here's a quick video showing you the affiliate links available in your dashboard:


For each of our courses, there are two links available:

  1. Sales Page: This contains a full description of the course along with a sneak peek video and option to enroll. See an example of a Sales Page
  2. Checkout Page: This is a quick description of the course with the option to enroll. See an example of a checkout page.

There is also a link to a Course Offerings Sales Page. This page includes descriptions for all three available courses.


Finally, you can also access the Affiliate Resource Library from your dashboard. You would not share this link with anyone, but it's included here so that you have easy access to it. You can see it here:

To share your unique affiliate link with your community, scroll down to the sales page/ checkout page you wish to share and click copy. Paste that link in an email or social media post with disclosure per FTC law.


You can see an example here:


And that's it! If you have any difficulty, please email me at [email protected].

Again, thank you for sharing My Little Poppies with your community!